File number : 101-711218-012

Donald Desruisseaux

Event date : April 12, 1990
10 years old

On April 11th 1990, 10-year-old Donald Desruisseaux was found dead in a ditch on Ste-Anne road in Pierreville. The information obtained at the time indicates that the young victim was seen in Trois-Rivières getting off a public transit bus at the corner of La Montagne street and Côte Verdun at noon on the day of the murder. He had to walk about one kilometer to get to his home. He was also seen at the corner of Route 55 and Jean XXIII road at Trois-Rivières. This was the last time he was seen alive.

Any information that could help solve this crime can be communicated to the Sûreté du Québec's Centrale de l’information criminelle at 1 800 659-4264.